Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Hello has been way too long since I last posted, but life has been so crazy!  Between work, Ragan traveling, the Williams' visiting, a trip to the beach, the state fair, football games, and just life in general I have really slacked off.  But here are a lot of post for you to enjoy.  Sawyer is getting so big and we are enjoying every smile, laugh, and moment with him.  With the holidays coming up I am sure our life will remain busy, but I promise to do a better job of posting.  This weekend we have a Thursday night football game against FSU and then are heading to the beach on Friday morning with my Dad's fraternity brother's annual trip!
Happy fall, but it still feels like summer with this 80 degree weather! 
P.S. Only 5 more days before I am able to listen to Christmas music...yes I am one of those crazy Christmas loving people. 


My family loves the state fair more than anything.  We look forward to the fair every year.  In years past I have attended the fair multiple times throughout the 10 day event..,but with Sawyer we decided to go just once...but we stayed all day...and I mean all day...11:30am til 9:45pm.  We really have a trooper of a child!
My parents, Ragan's parents, Sarah and Ellis all attended the fair with us.  We enjoyed yummy fair food and walked a lot! 
Waiting in line for free hushpuppies

Checking out all the exhibit rides this year!

Laughing at Daddy

Sawyer enjoyed watching the animals

Nap time

We always attend the demolition derby...there is nothing more redneck...but it is so much fun!

Sawyer bundled up to watch the craziness of the demolition derby.

mae mae.and.papa.visit

This past weekend, Ragan's parents came to North Carolina.  We had a great weekend with great weather and relaxing mornings.  We even planned Sawyer's first trip to Louisiana for Thanksgiving.
Morning nap in Papa's lap

Napping on Mae Mae's shoulder

Reading the Sunday morning paper with Mae Mae

Attempting to roll out of the bathtub

Reading a book with Mae Mae before bedtime.


I know it sounds crazy, but Sawyer already has two teeth.  Like Brittanie said, "Your child would already have teeth this early!"  About two weeks ago, we noticed him gnawing on his fist, so I stuck my finger in his mouth and there they were... little spikes.  He has been the easiest baby while fever, no diarrhea, no fussiness...all smiles and continuing to sleep through the night.   


Sawyer is 4 months old. He is rolling all over the place & he is all smiles lately! Its so much fun to make him smile & laugh with some work.  He is getting so big and we look forward to his four month check-up on November 8th to see how much he has grow!


Whoop Whoop!  I finally got the nerve to go up in the attic to try on my pre-mommy jeans...and they fit like a glove!  You never feel like your body will be "normal" after having a baby...but I am starting to feel "normal" again...and it feels great!


Yes, this post is our of order...but on our way home from Ocean Isle, we stopped by Burgaw to visit my goddaughter, Liza Grace!
Sweet LG is getting so big, but oh so cute!

Her newest toy...the popper...remember when we all had this toy!

LG's mom, Brittanie,and Sawyer

We are so fortunate to have such a great Sunday School class.  Two weekends ago, 20 adults and 5 children went on our first, hopefully of many, class trip to Ocean Isle.  We decided to start this tradition with all the new baby additions to our class.  We rented a great 14 bedroom, oceanfront with pool duplex.  We had a great trip and are all ready planning next years trip.
Saturday morning, the guys played a game of beach football...lots of soreness the next morning!

The oyster festival was also the same weekend as our trip.  Our family has attended this event many years...we never eat oysters, but enjoy the vendors, yummy food, and great live beach music.

Group photo

Enjoying the porch....we could not have asked for better weather!
We can't wait for next year...let the planning begin!


A couple of weeks ago, Sawyer found his feet and then ROLLED OVER!  We wondered if he was ever going to be able to get his feet in his mouth since his legs are so long...but every baby finds a way to get their feet in their mouth...Sawyer has to bend his leg and then pull it towards his mouth.  Quite a funny sight!

See the bent legs...

Such a sweet baby!
I will post a video of Sawyer rolling over...when I locate the Flip!

Ragan's co-worker and friend, Jeff, was our guest to the Boston College game.  Jeff is moving back to his home state of Boston at the end of this week.  We are really going to miss Jeff, but plan to visit him in the near future. 
As Jeff calls it..."The Modern Family"
Funny Note:  As Ragan and Jeff were entering the stadium, a lady commented on Sawyer's socks and without thinking Ragan says, "Yeah, his mom (pointing to Jeff) gave them to us!"  HAHAHAHA!!!

And yes, Sawyer sleeps through at least the first half of all football one really believes here is a picture to prove it!


my mom and aunt meg have birthdays in the month of the rogers gals and sawyer celebrated with dinner at nantucket grill.

cousin katie and great aunt judy

great aunt meg and her birthday cake


Sawyer loves his jumperoo that his great-great aunt Lip gave him.  He has figured out that if he jumps up and will play!